Title | The Wish Kite |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | Steele, RB |
Journal Title | Journal of Religion, Disability & Health |
Volume | 7 |
Pages | 55–63 |
ISSN | 1522-8967 |
Abstract | Abstract The author's eight-year-old daughter, Sarah, already suffering from a debilitating genetic muscular-skeletal disease {(Fibrodysplasia} Ossificans Progressiva or {FOP)} is diagnosed with a noncancerous brain tumor {(Craniopharyngioma).} She is taken to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where a neurosurgeon who specializes in treating craniopharyngiomas works, and next door to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where leading research into {FOP} is conducted. Treatment protocols for the tumor are discussed, but the final decision to do surgery is made, indirectly, by Sarah herself, when she sings her school's theme song, {“Accentuate} the Positive,” in the doctor's office. |
URL | http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J095v07n04_05 |
DOI | 10.1300/J095v07n04_05 |
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