Title | Spiritual and Psychological Correlates of Adjusting to Traumatic Injury |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1994 |
Authors | Marini, I |
Journal Title | Journal of Religion in Disability & Rehabilitation |
Volume | 2 |
Pages | 65–71 |
ISSN | 1059-9258 |
Abstract | {ABSTRACT} A traumatic injury causing some permanent loss of function can be an overwhelming experience to the injured person and his/her family. During the initial months of recovery, the affected party's spirituality is often heightened by prayer entailing bargaining with God for recovery from the disability, as well as queries as to why the tragedy occurred. Persons affected and their families often turn to the hospital chaplain for answers that are both within and outside the chaplain's area of expertise. The purpose of this paper is to integrate both the spiritual and psychological factors involved in adjustment to a sudden traumatic physical disability. |
URL | http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J445V02N01_08 |
DOI | 10.1300/J445V02N01_08 |
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